Board of Directors
Chair: Kansas Justice *
Pikeville Medical Center
Chair-Elect: Robin Simpson Smith *
Robin Simpson Smith, Attorney at Law
Secretary: Whitney Justice *
Childers' Oil / Double Kwik
Vice Chair: Mike Spears *
Michael R. Spears, CPA
Kyle Collier
WestCare Kentucky
Laura Damron *
University of Pikeville
Darren Gillespie
Citizens Bank of Kentucky
Clifton Hatfield
Pikeville Area Family YMCA
Ryan Howell
Kentucky Power
Earl Justice
Hutch Auto
Jaime Little
Stockton Mortgage
Rocco Massey
Appalachian Regional Healthcare
Mason McCoy
Mountain Metal Recyclables
Daniel Neeley
Brown Foodservice
Justin Prater *
Karen Roberts Prater *
Eastern Telephone & Technologies
Preeti Sahasi
Signature Smilz
Charles Shumaker
OVP Health
David Tackett
Community Trust Bank
Tina Terry
Big Sandy Comm. & Technical College
Zach Watts
Mountain Comprehensive Care Center
Heath Wiley
Gearheart Communications
John Willoughby *
East Kentucky Network
President & CEO: Jordan Gibson *
Southeast Kentucky Chamber
Treasurer: Lynette Schindler *
Lynette R. Schindler, CPA
Immediate Past Chair: Casey Lequire *
Peoples Bank & Insurance
Colby Kirk
President, One East Kentucky
Burton Webb
President, University of Pikeville